- 14 km from Madrid airport
- Madrid
- 1.4 km from Gate of Toledo
- 1.5 km from Madrid Botanical Gardens
Hotel description
Located in the historic Quartier of Las Letras, next to the city’s main theatres, boutiques and
nightclubs. This lifestyle hotel boasts an innovative, luxurious design reflective of the urban culture of the capital.
Meal and beverage plans
European Plan (No Meals)
- Meals and beverages not included
Breakfast Plan
- Breakfast included
Additional inclusions
- WiFi throughout the property
Upgrade your stay
Upgrade to ME+ Inclusions
Guests booked in a ME+ room category will recieve an elevated experience with the following additional inclusions:
- In-room check-in and check-out
- Complimentary ironing (one garment per stay)
- Audio system with favourite music pre-selected
- Luggage unpacking and packing service
- Luxury bathroom amenities
- Exclusive experiences
*Inclusions are subject to change
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LGBTQ2+ Resorts