- 13 km from Barbados airport
- Located directly on the beach
- Hastings
- 0.7 km from Garrison Savannah
- 3 km away from Bridgetown
Hotel description
Sugar Bay Barbados, four-star all-inclusive beachfront resort, perfect for active couples, young families and groups with host of on-site recreational activities and facilities.
Meal and beverage plans
All Inclusive Plan
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily
- Unlimited domestic and international alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages
- Afternoon tea
- Premium menu items are not included
Additional inclusions
- Kid's Club for ages 4-12 years
- Creche Mini Club for ages 4 months - 3 years
- WiFi throughout the property
Best For...
Wedding & honeymoons
Bonus Features
Important Notes
Smoking is prohibited in public buildings in Barbados. Sugar Bay's smoke-free policy means that smoking in the hotel's rooms, on balconies, restaurants, lobbies or in any place that is not a designated smoking area is illegal and subject to fines of up to US$2,500. To offset the extensive cost of restoring guest rooms to a smoke-free condition, guests who do not comply will be charged a fee of US$200.
Please note that the local Barbados room levy fees will be charged and collected by the hotel locally by cash or credit card.
*Sugar Bay Barbados All Inclusive package allows up to two a la carte dining reservations per week based on availability.