- 14.8 km from Honolulu airport
- Honolulu
- 1.4 km from Fort DeRussy Beach
- 1.4 km from Royal Hawaiian Center
- 2.1 km from International Market Place
- 2.5 km from Waikiki Beach
Hotel description
Outrigger Regency on Beachwalk is a boutique condominium adjacent to Waikiki Beach Walk. This hotel offers an intimate atmosphere of a private residence with the sophistication of stylish modern decor. Beautifully furnished one and two bedroom condominiums features full kitchens and a spacious balcony.
Meal and beverage plans
European Plan (No Meals)
- Meals and beverages not included
Additional inclusions
- WiFi in rooms
- Shopping and dining discount booklet (Booklet received upon check-in, no minimum night stay required, combinable with all other offers)
Best For...
Wedding & honeymoons
Important Notes
A mandatory Check-out Cleaning Charge applies as follows:
One Bedroom: $289 plus taxes
Two Bedroom: $339 plus taxes
Check-out Cleaning Charge is subject to change without notice.
A mandatory non-refundable Damage Protection Charge of $59 USD plus taxes applies (one time charge) payable locally.
Damage Protection Charge is subject to change without notice.
There is NO Daily Resort Amenity Charge at this hotel.