# For all robots User-agent: * # Block all access for beta launch Disallow: /en/register Disallow: /fr/inscription Disallow: /en/my-account/profile Disallow: /fr/my-account/profile Disallow: /en/my-account/manage-booking/booking-history Disallow: /fr/my-account/manage-booking/booking-history Disallow: /en/my-account/update-password Disallow: /fr/my-account/update-password Disallow: /en/checkout/one-step/v2 Disallow: /fr/checkout/one-step/v2 Noindex: /en/register Noindex: /fr/inscription Noindex: /en/my-account Noindex: /fr/my-account Noindex: /en/my-account/profile Noindex: /fr/my-account/profile Noindex: /en/my-account/manage-booking/booking-history Noindex: /fr/my-account/manage-booking/booking-history Noindex: /en/checkout/one-step/v2 Noindex: /fr/checkout/one-step/v2 Noindex: /en/ancillaries Noindex: /fr/ancillaries Noindex: /en/cart Noindex: /fr/cart Noindex: /en/package-listing Noindex: /fr/package-listing Visit-time: 0400-0845 # only visit between 04:00 and 08:45 UTC # Allow search crawlers to discover the sitemap Sitemap: https://vacations.aircanada.com/sitemap.xml # Block CazoodleBot as it does not present correct accept content headers User-agent: CazoodleBot Disallow: / # Block MJ12bot as it is just noise User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / # Block dotbot as it cannot parse base urls properly User-agent: dotbot/1.0 Disallow: / # Block Gigabot User-agent: Gigabot Disallow: /