Reach Aeroplan EliteTM Status faster on vacation packages
Enjoy easier & faster check-out
Online redemption
Aeroplan points redemption is now available online for packages to all destinations, excluding cruises. To redeem your Aeroplan points on a cruise, please contact our Reservations Department at 1 866-529-2079.
In an ongoing effort to offer a seamless experience for all our travellers, we provide the following services and information to assist with travel plans for persons with a visible or non-visible disability.
Accessibility services
To learn more about the services provided by Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Express*, please visit the Accessible Travel section of Air Canada’s website.
If you are interested in accessible accommodations, please call us toll-free at 1-866-529-2079. Our team will assist you in confirming accessible room options for your chosen hotel.